Arts & Wellness Series

Arts & Wellness Series is a learning series presented by our IEC Manager, Samantha Cullen-Fry, and our IEC Coordinator, Lynsea Montanari! Participants will combine science, art, traditional ecological knowledge, cultural knowledge, life experience, and exploring the many connections between human and the natural world.


Creating Sacred Space

As Indigenous people so often we are the only Native person in any given space. Don’t feel alone come join us. Creating Sacred Space is a series of programs designed to cultivate community and revitalize our traditions. Through a collection of events focused around, arts, culture, and food w hope to combat the daily oppressions our people face. Language and healing will be at the root of each opportunity. Join us and come see the difference community can make.

Keep checking back to see updates!


Solar System Ambassador

Our IEC Fellow, Chloë Gardiner is a Solar System Ambassador! As a SSA, she will share the science and excitement of NASA's space exploration missions and discoveries with her community. The Solar System Ambassadors Program of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory offers information and excitement about real missions that explore our solar system. Volunteer ambassadors in communities throughout the country are selected by JPL based on their backgrounds and on their plans for public outreach activities. JPL provides ambassadors with educational materials and training. However, the opinions of Ambassadors are not necessarily those of NASA or JPL. Further information about the Solar System Ambassadors Program is available at JPL is a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, Calif.

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