Honoring 2025

Princess Red Wing Arts & Culture Award

Thawn Sherenté Harris (Narragansett - Niantic)

Eva Butler Scholar Award

 Linford D. Fisher, Brown University

Ellison “Tarzan” Brown Champion Award

U.S. Senator Jack Reed

Kaukont Philanthropy Award

Duffy & Sweeney Ltd

Eleanor Dove Entrepreneur Award

Smoke Sygnals (Mashpee Wampanoag)

Lifetime Achievement Award

Rodney Butler (Mashantucket Pequot)
Chairman of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation

Volunteer of the Year Award

Evan McManamy


Dear Friends of Tomaquag Museum,

YOU are invited to partner with us for Tomaquag’s 22nd Honoring and Cultural Celebration event! Your involvement will make an impact! All proceeds benefit Tomaquag Museum, our education programs, archives,  and Tomaquag Museum’s Indigenous Empowerment Center. 

We will honor the talents and accomplishments of contemporary individuals, organizations, and businesses that have positively impacted  the Indigenous community. We will also honor those who have worked tirelessly collaborating with Tomaquag Museum to promote knowledge, equity, and recognition, AND uplift Indigenous voices with opportunities and advocacy.

This will truly be a memorable time for you, your friends, and your coworkers, as we share a festive summer evening at the Crowne Plaza, featuring music, food, friendly conversation, inspirational stories, and more! You will learn about and celebrate the 2025 Honorees and join us in remembering past Honorees. This signature event is an experience that can transform people's lives by broadening perspectives, influencing attitudes, and fostering appreciation and an understanding of the culture and important contributions of local Indigenous people.

Your financial support with a Sponsorship as a partner organization, business, or dedicated individual, is essential for Tomaquag Museum to grow into a major Indigenous Education Center and South County tourist destination! Plans are currently underway for a New Museum campus, with indoor and outdoor exhibits, paths, and gardens on land provided by the University of Rhode Island.

Please include an evening with Tomaquag Museum in your July 2025 plans!

With gratitude,

Lorén M. Spears, Executive Director

Honoring Event Committee: Clarissa Pungowiyi (Chair), Denise Costello, Caitee Winkler, Samantha Cullen-Fry, Silvermoon Mars LaRose, Rick Schad, Laurel Spears, Sylvia Spears

Honoring 2025 Sponsorship Opportunities and Benefits

**All sponsors are invited to the Honoree meet and greet reception in the Alfred Lounge from 5:30pm-6:30pm.

Presenting Sponsor - $10,000

Presenting Sponsorship includes 16 tickets for plated dinner, including appetizers and dessert, event recognition as a Presenting Sponsor, VIP seating for performances, center location 1 page color ad in Digital Event Program (7.5”h x 4.5”w), prominent listing on Event Materials, logo on slide presentation, website listing, announcements live during event, minimum of 5 e-blast mentions, minimum of 10 social media mentions.

Performance Sponsor - $5,000

Performance Sponsorship includes 8 tickets for plated dinner, including appetizers and dessert, recognition on Event Materials as the official sponsor for particular performance, VIP seating for performances, 1 page color ad on inside front, last page or outside back cover* of Digital Event Program (7.5”h x 4.5”w), logo on slide presentation, website listing, announced live during event, minimum of 6 e-blast mentions, minimum of 10 social media mentions. *Choice of ad location available with completed form.

Honor Circle Sponsor - $3,000

Honor Circle Sponsorship includes 6 tickets for plated dinner, including appetizers and dessert, name featured on Event Materials, VIP seating for performances, 1 page color ad in prominent location mid-book in Digital Event Program (7.5”h x 4.5”w), logo on slide presentation, website listing, announced live during event, minimum of 4 e-blast mentions, minimum of 8 social media mentions.

Indigenous Empowerment Sponsor - $2,000

Indigenous Empowerment Sponsorship includes 4 tickets for plated dinner, including appetizers and dessert, recognition on Event Materials as an official sponsor for access for Indigenous youth and elders, VIP seating for performances, 1 page color ad in Digital Event Program (7.5”h x 4.5”w), logo on slide presentation, website listing, announced live during event, minimum of 2 e-blast mentions, minimum of 4 social media mentions.

Community Arts Sponsorship - $1,000

Sponsorship includes 2 tickets for plated dinner, including appetizers and dessert, recognition on Event Materials1/2-page color  ad in Digital Event Program (3.75”h x 4.5”w), logo on slide presentation, website listing, announced sponsorship of artist or musician live during event, minimum of 1 e-blast mention, minimum of 2 social media mentions.

Please submit all sponsor ads and logos to development@tomaquagmuseum.org by May 5, 2025, for maximum exposure. Sizes should include borders. The final deadline for sponsor ads is May 26, 2025, for the Digital Program Book. Sponsor ads not received by this date will be supplemented with a “Thank You” Ad created by Tomaquag Museum.

Sponsorships committed in writing by May 10th will appear on the Event Invitation. 

All proceeds benefit Tomaquag Museum, our education programs, and Tomaquag Museum’s Indigenous Empowerment Center. Tomaquag Museum is a 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

To take advantage of any of our sponsorship opportunities, you can either purchase now online by pressing the button above OR you can fill out and submit the form below and someone will contact you. If you would rather complete by mail, you can also download our sponsor forms and mail to us with your payment. Payment can be made using a credit card or by mail. Checks and money orders can be made out to Tomaquag Museum.  

Questions? please call us at (401) 491-9063 or email us at: Communications@tomaquagmuseum.org 

Our Mailing Address is:

Tomaquag Museum

390A Summit Road

Exeter, RI, 02822


Not yet ready to be a sponsor?


Kutaputush! Thank you for your support!